Data Controller Company Name: DOF Robotik Sanayi AŞ

MERSIS/TCK No: 0302-0516-0630-0017

KEP Address: [email protected]

Phone/Fax: 02128010003

Website for Detailed Information:

Mailing Address: Yeşilköy Sb Mah. M Blok Sk. M Blok No: 1 Bakırköy / İSTANBUL

Related Person Application Email Address: [email protected]



a.  The purpose of this Personal Data Processing Information Text is to fulfill the disclosure obligation stipulated under Article 10 of Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data ("KVKK") concerning the use of personal data processed by our business.


b.  According to Article 3 of the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data (KVKK), personal data refers to any information that makes a real person identifiable or known (Name, Surname, National ID Number, Camera Recording, Address, Salary, IP, Log, Email, etc).


c.   Our business, as the Data Controller, processes your personal data in accordance with the general principles outlined in Article 4 of Law No. 6698 KVKK, and based on one or several conditions of personal data processing specified in Article 5 of the same law.


d.  As per Article 5 of Law No. 6698 KVKK, while some of your data can be processed without your explicit consent, subject to the legal conditions of exception, some can only be processed based on your "explicit consent, which is informed and freely expressed in relation to a specific issue." You may withdraw your consent given for the processing of your data at any time by applying to our business through the "Related Person Application Email Address" mentioned above, in accordance with Article 11 of Law No. 6698 KVKK and the explanations in the "Your Rights" section of this notification. If you withdraw your consent and if the data is not processed for other purposes, it will be destroyed. Otherwise, processing will continue based on the purposes and legal reasons without your explicit consent.



The personal data processed by our business as the Data Controller, their processing purposes, and legal reasons (explicit consent/legal conditions of exception) are as follows:

Data Category


Personal Data Processed

Name and Surname, Turkish National ID No, Foreign Identity Information

Purposes of Processing

Executing Information Security Processes, Conducting Activities in Compliance with Legislation, Execution / Supervision of Business Activities, Execution of Goods / Services Sales Contracts, Management of Storage and Archive Activities, Management of Contract Processes, Ensuring the Security of Data Controller Operations, Providing Information to Authorized Persons, Institutions, and Organizations, Tracking and Execution of Legal Affairs

Legal Reasons for Processing

Explicitly stipulated by law, necessary for processing personal data of the parties of a contract, necessary for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligation


Data Category


Personal Data Processed

Phone Number, Email, Address

Purposes of Processing

Conducting Activities in Compliance with Legislation, Execution of Finance and Accounting Jobs, Execution of Communication Activities, Tracking and Execution of Legal Affairs, Ensuring the Security of Data Controller Operations, Execution of Goods / Services Sales Contracts, Management of Storage and Archive Activities, Customer Relationship Management Processes, Execution of Post-Sales Services for Goods / Services, Execution / Supervision of Business Activities, Ensuring Business Continuity, Management of Marketing Analysis Studies, Management of Performance Evaluation Processes, Marketing Processes for Products / Services, Management of Contract Processes, Tracking Requests / Complaints, Ensuring the Security of Movable Property and Resources, Marketing Processes for Products / Services

Legal Reasons for Processing

Necessary for processing personal data of the parties of a contract, necessary for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligation


Data Category

Legal Transaction

Personal Data Processed

Company-Institution Information / Title Information in the Company-Institution, Signature, Tax ID No / Tax Office, Signature/Signature Declaration/Signature Circular, Goods/Services Information

Purposes of Processing

Executing Information Security Processes, Conducting Activities in Compliance with Legislation, Execution of Finance and Accounting Jobs, Tracking and Execution of Legal Affairs, Execution / Supervision of Business Activities, Management of Storage and Archive Activities, Management of Contract Processes, Ensuring the Security of Movable Property and Resources, Ensuring the Security of Data Controller Operations, Providing Information to Authorized Persons, Institutions, and Organizations, Execution of Salary Policy, Management of Risk Management Processes, Execution of Logistics Activities, Execution of Strategic Planning Activities

Legal Reasons for Processing

Explicitly stipulated by law, necessary for processing personal data of the parties of a contract, necessary for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligation


Data Category


Personal Data Processed

Bank Account Information

Purposes of Processing

Conducting Activities in Compliance with Legislation, Execution of Finance and Accounting Jobs, Execution of Communication Activities, Ensuring the Security of Data Controller Operations, Execution of Goods / Services Sales Contracts, Execution / Supervision of Business Activities, Management of Risk Management Processes, Management of Storage and Archive Activities, Management of Contract Processes, Execution of Salary Policy, Execution of Strategic Planning Activities

Legal Reasons for Processing

Necessary for processing personal data of the parties of a contract, necessary for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligation, necessary for processing data for the legitimate interests of the data controller, provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the related person


Data Category

Transaction Security

Personal Data Processed

User Log Records, User Device Information, IP Information, Internet Access-Exit Information, ID Information

Purposes of Processing

Executing Information Security Processes, Execution of Access Authorizations, Conducting Activities in Compliance with Legislation, Tracking and Execution of Legal Affairs, Execution / Supervision of Business Activities, Management of Storage and Archive Activities, Ensuring the Security of Data Controller Operations, Providing Information to Authorized Persons, Institutions, and Organizations

Legal Reasons for Processing

Necessary for processing personal data of the parties of a contract, necessary for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligation, necessary for processing data for the legitimate interests of the data controller, provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the related person


Data Category

Customer Transaction

Personal Data Processed

Order Information, Application Usage Information, Request-Complaint-Suggestion-Expectation Information, Interests and Habits Information, Invoice Information

Purposes of Processing

Executing Information Security Processes, Managing Access Authorizations, Conducting Activities in Accordance with Legislation, Execution of Finance and Accounting Tasks, Tracking and Executing Legal Affairs, Managing Communication Activities, Gathering and Evaluating Suggestions for Business Process Improvement, Executing Post-Sales Services for Goods/Services, Executing Goods/Services Sales Contracts, Executing Production and Operation Services for Goods/Services, Managing Customer Relationship Processes, Managing Marketing Analysis Studies, Managing Performance Evaluation Processes, Managing Storage and Archive Activities, Managing Contract Processes, Tracking Requests/Complaints, Executing Marketing Processes for Products/Services, Ensuring the Security of Data Controller Operations, Managing Investment Processes, Providing Information to Authorized Persons, Institutions, and Organizations

Legal Reasons for Processing

Necessary for processing personal data of the parties of a contract, necessary for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligation, necessary for processing data for the legitimate interests of the data controller, provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the related person


Data Category


Personal Data Processed

Location Information of the Individual

Purposes of Processing

Location Information of the Individual Purposes of Processing: Executing Post-Sales Support Services for Goods/Services, Executing Goods/Services Sales Contracts, Executing Production and Operation Services for Goods/Services, Managing Customer Relationship Processes, Ensuring the Security of Data Controller Operations, Managing Access Authorizations, Managing Delegation Processes

Legal Reasons for Processing

Necessary for processing personal data of the parties of a contract, necessary for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligation, necessary for processing data for the legitimate interests of the data controller, provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the related person


Data Category

Identity – Communication – Visual and Auditory Records – Marketing

Personal Data Processed

-     Identity: Name and Surname, Special Day Information (For celebrating your special days, national/municipal/religious and other days and/or sending gifts/cards etc., sending marketing electronic communications, using in website, social media, company catalog, and other mediums for sharing, conducting surveys and raffles)

-     Communication: Phone Number, Email, Address (For celebrating your special days, national/municipal/religious and other days and/or sending gifts/cards etc., sending marketing electronic communications, using in website, social media, company catalog, and other mediums for sharing, conducting surveys and raffles)

-     Visual and Auditory Record: Photos, Videos and Personal Data Shared/Declared in These Records (For use in website, social media, company catalog, and other mediums for sharing)

-     Marketing: Survey Information, Raffle Information (For conducting surveys and raffles)

Purposes of Processing

Managing Communication Activities, Conducting Customer Satisfaction-Oriented Activities, Managing Advertisement/Campaign/Promotion Processes, Managing Strategic Planning Activities, Executing Marketing Processes for Products/Services, Executing Post-Sales Support Services for Goods/Services, Managing Customer Relationship Processes, Managing Storage and Archive Activities, Managing Contract Processes, Ensuring the Security of Data Controller Operations, Providing Information to Authorized Persons, Institutions, and Organizations

Legal Reasons for Processing

Processable if explicit consent is available.


Your personal data can be collected through verbal, written, or electronic means; via our website, communication forms located in our physical spaces and other areas, or other channels through which you communicate with us, and subsequently, during activities carried out for promoting or advertising your business on our website or mobile application. This collection can occur during our customer satisfaction and advertising/marketing activities (such as sending commercial electronic messages, celebrating special days, sharing photo-video recordings, conducting surveys and raffles), when you share your requests, complaints, and suggestions with us, and depending on the nature of the service or activity and the channel through which you communicate with us. The data can be gathered from all information and documents provided by you or obtained via public/private institutions and other third parties, either automatically, semi-automatically, or in a non-automatic manner, provided that it is part of any data recording system.



a.  Your personal data may be transferred, in compliance with Article 8 of the Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 ("KVKK") and other relevant legislation, and limited to the realization and fulfillment of the purposes stated above. The transfer may include Public Institutions and Organizations (such as the Ministry of Finance, Revenue Administration, Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, Ministry of Commerce, Chamber of Commerce, Chamber of Industry, Exporters' Association, Customs Consultancy, etc.), our company’s departments, shareholders, customers, logistics companies, banks, lawyers, financial advisors, website and infrastructure providers, IT/Information Systems support firms, and other organizations and third parties responsible for maintaining data security, preventing unauthorized access, and preventing illegal processing of your personal data. 


b.  With your explicit consent, your personal data such as name, surname, photograph, video, and the personal data declared/shared in these records can be recorded during events and organizations organized or attended by our company and shared for advertising and marketing purposes on websites, company catalogs, social media, and other public channels. Additionally, for the execution of this activity, the data can be shared with our suppliers (agencies, IT/information systems support firms).


c.   With your explicit consent, your personal data such as name, surname, telephone number, and email can be processed and shared with our suppliers (agencies, IT/information systems support firms) and İleti Yönetim Sistemi A.Ş. ("IYS") to send you commercial electronic messages for advertising and marketing purposes.


d.  With your explicit consent, your personal data such as name, surname, special day information, telephone number, email, and address can be processed for employee satisfaction, advertising, and marketing purposes. This includes celebrating your special days, national-holiday-religious days, sending gifts/cards, etc., and can be shared with our suppliers (agencies, courier companies, IT/information systems support firms) for the execution of this activity.


e.  With your explicit consent, your personal data such as name, surname, telephone number, email, survey information, raffle information can be processed for advertising, marketing, and customer satisfaction purposes, enabling you to participate in surveys and raffles conducted by our company. In case of public surveys or raffles or when their results are publicly announced, the data can be shared with the public through websites, company catalogs, social media, and other channels, and also with our suppliers (agencies, IT/information systems support firms) for the execution of this activity.



a.  Under Article 11 of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698, which regulates the rights of the data subject, you have the right to learn whether your personal data is processed; if processed, request information about it; learn the purpose of processing your data and whether it is used in accordance with its purpose; know the third parties in the country or abroad to whom your data is transferred; request correction if your data is processed incompletely or inaccurately; request deletion or destruction of data if the reasons necessitating their processing cease to exist in accordance with the provisions of the Law and other relevant laws; if your data has been transferred, request that the operations carried out such as correction, deletion, or destruction are notified to the third parties to whom the data is transferred; object to an unfavorable outcome arising from the analysis of your data exclusively by automated systems; and request compensation for the damage arising from the unlawful processing of your data.


b.  As the Data Subject, you can submit your requests to the Data Controller in writing through a notary or by registered mail with return receipt to the postal address specified above, via registered electronic mail (KEP), secure electronic signature, mobile signature, or by using your electronic mail address previously provided to us and recorded in our system, to our KEP address written above or the email address allocated for KVKK communication.










In compliance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (KVKK), your personal data listed below can be processed and shared by us as the data controller, limited to the purpose of processing for which you give explicit consent. You can withdraw your explicit consent at any time by using the channel you have chosen according to the information provided in our information notice and detailed above. We kindly request you to indicate your acceptance or rejection of the processing of your personal data by placing an (X) mark, your signature, or a similar indication in the relevant box below.

Personal Data Subject to Explicit Consent


Explicit Consent

I DO NOT GIVE Explicit Consent

To receive commercial electronic messages containing campaigns, promotions, and advertising to my contact information, and for the processing of my personal data for this purpose and sharing it with your suppliers and IYS A.Ş.



For your company to celebrate my special days, national, religious, and other significant days, and send me celebration gifts/cards/commercial electronic messages; for the processing of my personal data for this purpose and sharing it with your suppliers



For the processing of my personal data during events and organizations conducted or participated in by your company for advertising/marketing purposes, and for sharing it with the public via your website and other platforms, and for sharing it with your suppliers to enable this activity



For the processing of my personal data in survey-lottery activities conducted by your company for advertising/marketing and customer satisfaction purposes, and for sharing it with the public via your website and other platforms, and for sharing it with your suppliers to enable this activity










 [TE1]Bu çok zor bir operasyon bu rızaları nasıl alacağız biz 😃 ben bunu ne Getir ne Trendyol ne başka büyük bir startupta da görmedim nasıl olacak bu iş ☺️

 [AME2]Hemen altta açık rıza talep edilen hususlardan hangilerini kullanmak istiyorsanız üyeden tik ile onay almalısınız 😊


Henüz Kişisel verilerin korunması kültürü ülkemizde oturmadığından ve bu aşamada ilgili kişi şikayetleri nitelikli olmadığından çok önemsenmiyor ya da büyük firmalar bu riski kabul ediyor.